Wednesday, August 31, 2016

August 31

So I was a little too excited about the look of this lettuce bun for our burgers...
and now I realize the picture doesn't even show that cute little wrap!
So thankful for time with this sweet, encouraging friend!!

Tuesday, August 30, 2016

August 30

Hooray for FaceTime!! 
Loved hanging out with Emma and Haley for a while between their classes today!!

August 29

All my talk recently about not liking change so much...
well, apparently I don't listen to myself very well.
Gonna make a big change on our plates for a month!

August 28

Greatly encouraged singing the words of this hymn today...

" Be still my soul the Lord is on your side- Bear patiently the cross of grief or pain
Leave to your God to order and provide-In every change He faithful will remain
Be still my soul your best your heav'nly Friend-Through thorny ways leads to a joyful end"

Saturday, August 27, 2016

August 27

 Happy 100th Birthday, National Parks Service!!
Celebrating this centennial with a day trip to explore some Civil War history.

We even drove by George Washington's Boyhood Home at Ferry Farm.
But it wasn't nearly as picture worthy as this treasure....
My man's boyhood home...and that super long driveway he ran down to catch the school bus!!

Friday, August 26, 2016

August 26

~Thankful for a quiet day of checking chores off my to do list~

August 25

Life has been a bit of an emotional roller coaster the past few months. 
Moving to a new state...setting up a new home...learning my way around a new community...
new daughter starting a new year at her daughter settling into her new husband also getting used to a new position in his career...
So. Much. New.
 I have confidence that each of us is exactly where God intends for us to be right now.
New can be fun, a good kind of challenging, and exciting...and in many ways it has been.
 It's just that sometimes, new is just a tad overwhelming. I'm pretty content to keep things the same.
 This summer, I've read about a billion and one devotions and blog posts about new seasons, letting go of your kids, why moms cry at college move in weekend,  and how life changes when your children grow up.
Good words no doubt...but, my goodness! Enough! My momma's heart is just about wrecked!!
So today, I cranked up the music and took to the trail (new, too :)!) for some fresh air and perspective. 
This has been my "go to" song for this latest season in life. 
Thank you, Lord for refreshment and the reminder to 
Keep Looking Up!!

Thursday, August 25, 2016

August 24

I've always found this view awe-inspiring. 
It is the nation's capital after all!
But today, it meant that I was back HOME...
and for the first time in the nearly five months we've lived here, it actually felt like it!

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

August 23

So very grateful for a little more time with my girl before she begins her classes tomorrow!!

"And may the Lord our God show us His approval
 and make our efforts successful. 
Yes, make our efforts successful!"
Psalm 90:17 NLT

August 22

What's Move-In weekend without a trip (or two) to Target?!
Such fun apartment shopping with Emma and Bekah!!

August 21

Move-In Day 2.0
Hooray!! The dynamic duo is back together again!!
Thankful for loving family, a revived car battery, welcoming R.A.'s,
cousins who move heavy couches, breaks in the rain, 
fun friends, extra energy, and great apartment-mates...
just to name a few God sightings for the day!!

August 20

 Oh, my heart...
It was an early goodbye for these two before Emma and I headed south for college move-in weekend. 
My man is such a good Dad to his girls.

Friday, August 19, 2016

August 19

She's all packed up and ready to go...
So very grateful for the time we've had together this summer!! 
But these piles are making me start to miss her already though (shhh...don't tell...)
Looking forward expectantly to all the Lord has in store for our sophomore!!

Be strong and courageous.
Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged,
for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.
Joshua 1:9

August 18

Hello giant mirror on the wall of our favorite restaurant!
Thanks to these two for indulging me in an #Instagramhusband type moment :) 

August 17

We have had some fabulous DC adventures the past few months! 
 I'm so glad we took advantage of one more day for fun together.
Lunch with our favorite guy, checking out the Smithsonian Castle,
exploring the Hirshorn Museum, and capping off our day at the Natural History Museum...
all photo-worthy for sure...but this...
This right here sums up Summer 2016 and the many extra miles we walked around the Mall. 
Earning confetti on my pedometer app for ALL those steps makes my day!!!

August 16

Trips to the salon are way fun when we're together!!
Hooray for Stacy who is a master at managing our manes!!

August 15

~Getting this highly organized girl ready to head back to college~
I LOVE that she shares an affinity for my adoration of laundry supplies!!

August 14

 Thanking God for vivid reminders- seen and unseen- that He loves deeply and is DELIGHTED with us!!
Happy to receive this book filled with encouragement and HOPE written by our friend and Tulsa pastor. 
And celebrating the gift of an early morning phone call from Bess and her precious time praying for me. 

The LORD your God is with you,
the Mighty Warrior who saves.
He will take great DELIGHT in you;
in His love He will no longer rebuke you,
but will rejoice over you with singing. 
Zephaniah 3:17

Sunday, August 14, 2016

August 13

What a super FUN and hot (108 degree "real feel" is no joke!) night cheering the Nats to victory over the Braves with these special friends!! So very thankful God brought this family (+ their Ryan) into our lives 17 years ago!! Those cute little girls bonded at the neighborhood playground over their Minnie Mouse tennis shoes and it was just the beginning of all kinds of life experiences that added up to some pretty sweet years growing up together. Thank you, Kiersteads for your friendship that stands the test of time!

Friday, August 12, 2016

August 12

I love all things laundry related!! 
Even when it means doing a load twice because I forgot to add the key ingredient the first time :) 

Thursday, August 11, 2016

August 11

Blown away by this welcome into Western Maryland as we made our way home today!
Grateful for safety, scenery, and songs as Emma and I completed our 14th summer road trip together!

August 10

Snuggles + Stories = Sweet Time with Adeline

August 9

~Fun morning snapping some photos of these cuties on campus~

August 8

Super thankful for the chance to visit my sister's family before summer ends!
LOVE the big smiles when these girls are together!!

August 7

What a gloriously beautiful, sunshiny Saturday for a stroll around National Harbor!!

August 6

Fun having our Tulsa Ballet buddies in town for a big conference!
Of course, I insisted on a photo by THE house.
But, I'm still wondering why I made them do this during the 5 minute afternoon summer shower?!
Thanks, Colleen and Brian for being such good sports during our DC Driving Tour!!

August 5

Yay, Emma's back!! Celebrating a day of running errands, yummy snacks, and reading on the terrace!

Friday, August 5, 2016

August 4

Beyond grateful to be picking up our Emma after time with her sister in Mississippi!!
Thanking God repeatedly for His protection as her plane suffered a cracked windshield in flight,
and His provision of a cautious, hardworking crew and another plane to bring her home safely!!

Wednesday, August 3, 2016

August 3

~Taking advantage of a beautiful day~
What started out as breakfast turned into lots and lots and lots of time outside!!

Tuesday, August 2, 2016

August 2

Thankful for time together and fellowship with one of my BSF leaders today!
Also...I think I may be developing an addiction to Shaken Iced Black Tea Lemonade....

August 1

Views like this are definitely one of the perks of traveling home along I-81