Tuesday, May 31, 2016

May 31

Sending a piece of my heart back to Mississippi....

May 30

~Making the most of time with my favorites~

(and from now on, I'm thinking of ordering the Old Fashioned Banana Pudding first!)

May 29

Grateful for the service of these true heroes
Memorial Day Weekend at Arlington National Cemetery 

May 28

Thanking God for time with these extra special people!!

May 27

~Jumping with Joy at Jockey's Ridge State Park~

May 26

~Grateful for family time in Historic Corolla~

May 25


May 24

~Precious Moments~

May 23

~Extremely thankful for a day filled with laughs from beginning to end~

May 22

Pretty sweet way to kick off our family week in OBX!!

Saturday, May 21, 2016

May 21

~Makes me smile when we choose the same view for our photo of the day~
Love keeping up with my girl's 365 blog!!

May 20

Celebrating SUNSHINE in NOVA today!!

May 19

What a wonderful reunion with lifelong friends!! 
Looking forward to more big laughs and fun DC adventures with Lexi and Nancy!!

May 18

Running errands is way more fun with these two!!

May 17

YAY!!! Both our girls in the same car!! 
Excited about the next two weeks of being TOGETHER!!

May 16

~Grateful for a few moments of peace and calm~

May 15

What a sweet gift to watch all the talented Trainees share their gift of dance and their passion for the Lord!
Eagerly anticipating His Arrival!!

May 14

Hooray!! We get to see our girl dance today!!

Friday, May 20, 2016

May 13

Thankful for a quick stop in Athens and a lovely afternoon walk with Mom and Dad!

Friday, May 13, 2016

May 12

We finally have a couch!!!
Eight weeks ago we ordered what I thought was going to be the perfect couch for our new place. After a series of unfortunate delivery and non-delivery events, we realized that the much anticipated red couch was not, in fact, going to come live with us. But, look what happened today! We met a sweet tenant one floor down whose sofa needed a new home. We were fortunate to be the first in line to take a look at it! Thanking God for His provision of this wonderful new seat, but even more thankful for this awesome helper!! So glad Emma has excellent spatial relations and knows how to PIVOT at all the right angles!! After encountering two doorways, two long hallways, a ride in the not quite wide enough elevator, and a few more corners that I'd never really noticed before, we did it!! What a great adventure together!!

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

May 11

~BSF Sharing Day~
Celebrating the One who is Faithful and True
Our Sovereign Lord who is worthy of worship

Missing my sweet sisters in Tulsa so much today!! So very grateful for the years I got to spend learning and growing (and laughing!) with them! While I am so sad to not be with them to share in the victory party of a year spent experiencing the Lord's goodness together, I am thanking God that He allowed me to finish studying Revelation with a new group of women who love Him. 

May 10

Thankful for a sweet time of sharing about God's faithfulness and this beautiful bookmark blessing.
And it wouldn't be a Leaders' Sharing Day Fellowship without yummy bars, now would it? :) 

May 9

Thankful for morning walks with Emma!

May 8


Sunday, May 8, 2016

May 7

Hooray for Saturdays and exploring adorable Virginia towns and discovering tasty treats!!

May 6

~A great night out with great people~
What a treat to reconnect with some of our BEP family for dinner, a show, and yummy dessert!
Missed Bess though...I sure could have used her help understanding C.S. Lewis!!

May 5

What a fun DC day with Emma!!
We Metro-ed into the city like champion urbanites, 
had lunch in Chinatown with our favorite Suit,
battled the tourists for a selfie in front of the White House, 
enjoyed the fascinating exhibits at the Renwick,
and took in many cool sights and sounds as we ventured back home.
Yay for summer break and adventures together!!

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

May 4

While my heart dearly misses my precious Tulsa BSF friends and children,
I am so grateful God gave me the opportunity to see the glorious end of His story 
shared with His children in my new class today!! His love and grace are lavish and unending!!

Tuesday, May 3, 2016

May 3

Unpacking and getting my college girl settled back in with us~ yay, summer break!!

May 2

Fun road trip heading home with my amazing girl!!

May 1

Thanks to my sister and Mom for finding a just right "new to us" table and chairs for our apartment!!
Grateful for Kara's help selecting fabric and creating a whole new look for us!!