Monday, October 31, 2011

Sunday, October 30, 2011

October 30

Oh, how I LOVE to see these cute girls enjoy each other!!
They got to capture a few minutes together at our church's Family Fall Festival.
Pure Joy

Saturday, October 29, 2011

October 29

Saturday, Saturday, How do I love thee? Let me count the ways...
It rained, it poured (occasionally the old man snored)...
It sleeted, it snowed.
We had a fire roaring in the fireplace most of the day.
A big pot of chili and fresh cornbread.
But what I will remember most about today is this book.
Scott and I both read it cover to cover in just one day.
To say it is compelling is a bit of an understatement.

October 28

This is how my thoughtful husband loved me today.
Due to our weather forecast for freezing temperatures and SNOW (?!?),
he brought home a load of firewood!!
He knows how much I enjoy a cozy fire...especially on a Saturday!

October 27


Wednesday, October 26, 2011

October 26

It's been a bit rough lately at work.
Feeling Frustrated...Discouraged...Defeated
So this morning as I prayed, I asked God to restore my joy...
to help me remember why I liked or ever wanted to work with young children.
(Just being honest here, folks...)
While checking spelling homework, I was greeted with this precious note~
That will surely brighten anyone's day!
As I continued around the room, I came to this entry for the word "contest"....
Me: "Oh, they're having a contest. Good idea! What are they playing?"
First Grade Boy: "Beer Pong"

a pretty wonderful answer to prayer!

October 25

My girl's team gear finally arrived!

October 24

Two very special helpers shared their evening filing graded papers.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

October 23

"Holy words long preserved  
for our walk in this world.
They resound with God's own heart
O let the ancient words impart

Words of Life, Words of Hope
Give us strength, Help us cope.
In this world, where e'er we roam,
Ancient Words will guide us Home."
 by Michael W. Smith

Grateful to a dear friend for pointing me to these Words of encouragement.
Joanne is a gift to many ~ it is a blessing to know her.

Saturday, October 22, 2011

October 22

On the surface, this is a nice bag of fresh, yummy apples. 
Very Fall-like, wouldn't you say?
However, this photo has another dimension that you can't see...
I bought these apples from the Kiwanis Club this morning.
That made me think about my Dad.
He was in our local Kiwanis Club my whole growing up life.
They didn't sell apples. They had an amazing Pancake Breakfast every year.
Food memories...ahh.....
All day, I've thought about my sweet Dad and his servant's heart
 and all the years he has poured into serving his community.
Thanks, Dad for being you!

Friday, October 21, 2011

October 21

Today's episode has been brought to you by the letter F~

~Family~Fun~Friday~Fall~Finally Feeling Fine~Foliage~Fotos

(ok...I know you don't spell photos with an "f"..
but it's kinda Funny, don't you find?)

October 20

"Remember I AM with you always"
Matthew 28:20
Every day before she leaves for the bus, my dear girl reminds me of this verse.
Today she gave me her stone to hold on to during the school day.
Guess she wanted to be sure I wouldn't forget Who was on my side!
I love her...a lot!

October 19

Richly blessed by a precious friend~
Thank you, sweet Cheryl!!

October 18

Love My Girls!!
Oh, how I needed and loved hearing their laughter tonight!

October 17

Captivated by Clouds

Sunday, October 16, 2011

October 16

This is what my worship experience looked like this morning.
Thankful for a local church's live webcast, Kleenex, cold medicine, a comfy bed.
But I did miss being with my family. And singing.
Pretty sure they didn't miss my singing though. I sound like a frog.
It isn't pretty. Trust me.

October 15

~a beautiful, glorious, sunny Saturday~

Saturday, October 15, 2011

October 14

"God is God and I am not,
I can only see a part of the picture He's painting"
~by Steven Curtis Chapman
It helps to remember this as I gaze at His glorious painting tonight.

October 13

Words can not express the JOY experienced when I discovered this!!
I am a big fan of finding notes in my lunch box.
A video note. Who thinks of that? Why, my Bessie, of course!
That's my girl...speaking my love language... :)

October 12

catching my Emma hard at work on an English class assignment

October 11

Happiness after a long day on my feet...

October 10

Sunday, October 9, 2011

October 9

Bess got to go FLYING today!!!
A retired US Navy Test Pilot took her out for a COOL!!
(Thanks, Uncle Klas! You're the Best!!)

October 8

Friday, October 7, 2011

October 7

"Then were our mouths filled with laughter, and our tongues with singing.
Then they said among the nations, the Lord has done great things for them."
Psalm 126:2
Happy, Happy Birthday, Dear Friend!!

Thursday, October 6, 2011

October 6

6:30 a.m.
The site that greets me as I send my Emma off to catch the bus...
Happy High School, sweet girl!

October 5

~Taking some time to read in the parking lot while waiting on my dancers~
Can't decide which I like better...this book or my bookmark...

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

October 4

Some days I like my job better than others...
Today is not actually one of those kind of days.
In fact, I am pretty much in a bit of a cranky mood about it. 
So, I asked God to show me something for which I could be thankful...
in spite of my bad attitude.
He reminded me of this sweet gift a little girl brought me.
And the hugs she gives me daily.
Ahhh....that's better....

October 3

What a special evening worshiping with
Ballet Magnificat! as they performed "The Arrival" and "Deliver Us"!

Sunday, October 2, 2011

October 2

While the family was gathered around the table for lunch,
I looked out the window and this design in our fence caught my eye.

October 1

What a handsome ring bearer!!
Fun times with Stacy at Kent Manor Inn