Friday, February 22, 2013

Thursday, February 21, 2013

February 20

SNOW in Oklahoma!!!!
Loved every minute of watching it fall today!!

February 19

~Emma and I discovered another new walking trail~

February 18

~Happy President's Day~
A lovely afternoon at Washington Irving Memorial Park

February 17

Scott fixed our coffee in travel mugs and took me on a date to catch the sunrise.
~Quite a nice way to begin the day~

February 16

A Saturday afternoon together...
Seems like a good enough reason for cupcakes!

February 15

It's Friday night....where else would we be? 

February 14

Happy Valentine's Day!!

February 13

~Making a conscientious effort to add to my list of one thousand gifts~  

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

February 12

Thank you, Emma, for a grand Mardi Gras feast!

February 11

~Happy sounds filling the house while they finish homework together~

February 10

Sunday morning worship on I-44 West

February 9

~Every good and perfect gift comes from above~
Congratulations to the new Mom and Dad!!

February 8

Whole lotta lovin' going on!!

February 7

On our way across Missouri to meet my new niece in Kentucky!!!
(Happy BIRTHday, Camille Ann Reynolds!! We're driving as fast as we can!!)

February 6

~My favorite spot on our drive to school each morning~

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

February 5

My view for most of this beautiful day....
Finally motivated to unpack and organize the attic!

February 4

Proof positive that Super Bowl advertising works!!
These were not originally on this week's grocery list :)

February 3

Something was really, really funny during the Super Bowl!!

February 2

~A lovely evening enjoying Lady of the Camellias with my girls~

Friday, February 1, 2013

February 1

Love these girls!!
Hooray for wonderful friends and FaceTime~
Keeping the First Friday tradition alive!!

January 31

Love the commute to ballet class at this hour!!

January 30

My smart girl hard at work on her research paper for English!
I don't remember turning things in early when I was in high school!

January 29

We're official now!!

January 28

70 January!
Emma and I took advantage of it with a lovely walk around Haikey Creek Park.

January 27

So many people told us we'd love this show and they were right!!
The girls and I made it through the first two seasons in two weeks!

January 26

My favorite chefs crafted an extra fabulous meal today!!
These two work some magic in the kitchen!

January 25

It's beginning to feel more like home...
even though I still start to turn into our next-door neighbor's driveway every day!

January 24

Test-driving the new "Theater Room" after the sound system was installed....
We really can't wait for Friday now!!

January 23

The sunsets here are AMAZING!!
It is very hard to concentrate on driving when this is filling the sky!