Saturday, June 30, 2012

June 30

And she's off....
Wishing our Bess a wonderful experience at this year's
Ballet Magnificat! Summer Dance Intensive!!

June 29

~Space Bag~
THE answer to fitting two weeks of clothing and bedding into one suitcase!!

June 28

What can I accomplish in Two Years?
I can.....
Live Seven Hundred Thirty Days
Take Seven Hundred Thirty Photographs
Count Seven Hundred Thirty Blessings
Reflect on Seven Hundred Thirty Memories
Why stop now?
Today marks the beginning of 
Reflections on 40+      Version 3.0
Thankful to have the opportunity to share more of life's gifts with you!
What a sweet treat to receive this in the mail today!!
Very thankful for family!!

Thursday, June 28, 2012

June 27

Thankful for loved ones who made this a very special June 27th!!

June 26

Thankful for lunch with a special friend....
We've been waiting months for this Masterpiece!!

June 25

~Laughter and Puffy Paint~
A wonderful way to begin a week of summer fun!!

Sunday, June 24, 2012

June 24

Nothing says SUMMER in Annapolis
like steamed crabs at Cantler's!!!

June 23

~Great time assisting Rockstar Richardson at a wedding on Kent Island~
She has some serious skills with her camera!!
A little Starbucks energy injection , some loud tunes,
and we are ready for the day!!

Saturday, June 23, 2012

June 22

What a fun day with a great group of Eco-Explorers at Kinder Farm Park!!

Sunday, June 17, 2012

June 16

Celebrating a second, very successful Senior Recital!!
Lovely job ladies!!
So very proud of you
(and the rest of the CSD family too)!!!

Saturday, June 16, 2012

June 15

"We've Got Your Number!"
SO proud of our beautiful, hard-working dancers!!

Friday, June 15, 2012

June 14

Family Time + Tall Ships = Fun Day in Baltimore

June 13

~World's Best Bun-Creators~
Thanks, Marjory and Cassie!!
We <3 You!!!

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

June 12

Love my big girl's smile when some of her favorite little people are with her!


Finish Final Teacher Work Day- CHECK!
Let Summer Vacation Officially Commence!!

Sunday, June 10, 2012

June 10

~Getting ready for Seventy-Six Trombones~
BRAVO, Olivia!!!
You were spectacular!!!

June 9

~It's the Most Wonderful Time of the Year~
6.5  hours into Dress Rehearsal
And they're still smiling!!

Saturday, June 9, 2012

June 8


(P.S. I learned that it is really difficult to take a jumping shot with the self-timer.
So, it may be blurry, but I think you can still sense the JOY!!)
Happy Summer!!

Thursday, June 7, 2012

June 7

Bess and I spent the evening singing this song
(you might even have heard us.... matter where you live...
we were REALLY loud....)
Do you see the title?
Yep....that's right...
One Day More
Summer Vacation!!!!!!!

June 6

~ Captivating Clouds~
Thankful for Field Day and a chance to enjoy this beautiful, blue sky!!!

June 5

Today, Scott planted this new, baby tree...
It will be fun to see how much it grows over the coming year.
Check back on June 5, 2013 for an update....

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

June 4

~Sprucing up my resume~
Very excited about a new job opportunity!!

June 3

These are a few of my favorite things....
My Family
Dinner on the Back Deck

June 2

An absolutely GORGEOUS day to be out on the water!!!
Thank you, dear friends for a fun afternoon on your boat!!

Saturday, June 2, 2012

June 1

~My beautiful girl and her Daddy~
Ready for her fun evening bidding farewell to SPMS