Monday, November 28, 2011

November 28

~One of my favorite rooms in our house~

November 27

~Busiest Travel Day of the Year~
Thankful for safety on the road, bright skies, fluffy clouds, 
my husband who drove the whole way, both directions, this trip
(this is secret code for: I spent a LOT of hours napping in the car),
and time with family!

November 26

Treasuring time with Gram and Grantch watching home videos of my BABIES!!
Probably best we don't count the hours we spent in front of this television...

November 25

Dawning of a new day on Windswept Farm

November 24

Thankful for big laughs and fun times with all the cousins together!

November 23

~Peaceful in the Pasture~
Look in the back left corner.
If you use your superhero vision, you might spot the new Momma and her calf. 
She is encouraging him to get up and take a few steps.
 She even let us get close enough for Scott to pet her baby. 
Too bad I'd handed over the camera to him at that point...
can't be my photo of the day!

November 22

Looks like Uncle Scott hasn't lost his car/truck/tractor playing skills!

November 21

~Enjoying spending time with our creative niece, Hannah~

Sunday, November 27, 2011

November 20

Let the Bananagrams Battle Begin....

November 19

Oh, what a beautiful morning!
It was worth being up early to be greeted by this...
and to get on the road to Tennessee!

Friday, November 18, 2011

November 18

Thankful for a long-overdue lunch date with a dear friend!
She arrived bearing gifts of her time, listening ears and this loaf of deliciousness!

November 17

Another yummy treat~
How very thoughtful of the class' teacher to send this lovely bouquet!

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

November 16

~Surprised and grateful for this outpouring of love~
Beautiful flowers...yummy tote bags...relaxing bath notes
But the video of the kids telling me good-bye.. well, that one got me...
"Look at her face...she's crying!"
yep...she was crying alright..
Thank you, God for the opportunity to be part of the Benfield family.

November 15

HaPpY, HaPpY BiRtHdAy 
to my favorite 15 year old!!!!

November 14

'Twas the night before a special someone's birthday....

November 13

So impressed with our high school's drama department!!
An enjoyable afternoon with Emma and her fun friend, Megan

November 12

~ Downtown Date Day~

Saturday, November 12, 2011

November 11

Parents' Night at Variations Class
Umm....I pretty much love any time I can watch either of our ballerinas dance...
Thanks, Ms. D'An for a fun Friday afternoon!

November 10

Thursday, November 10, 2011

November 9

So it's kinda hard to see how marvelous the moon was as it began it's ascent...
Didn't even try to capture it's exquisite beauty hanging in the black sky with Jupiter shining brightly to the right. But trust was glorious!

November 8

Sitting at the kitchen table...grading a very high stack of papers...
running hard this last leg of the race...feeling weary...and emotional...
 (Happy to finish the job or sad to leave kids and co-workers I've grown to love?)
Look up and am greeted by this gentle, sweet reminder.

November 7

November 6

Thankful for an equally beautiful second performance for the men in the families.

'Cause what if Your blessings come through raindrops
What if Your healing comes through tears
What if a thousand sleepless nights
Are what it takes to know You're near
What if my greatest disappointments
Or the aching of this life
Is the revealing of a greater thirst this world can't satisfy
And what if trials of this life
The rain, the storms, the hardest nights
Are Your mercies in disguise

Blessings by Laura Story

Saturday, November 5, 2011

November 5

Such a sweet blessing getting to worship with these beautiful, talented ladies
(and another equally beautiful, talented lady who joined us last night)!

November 4

Beautiful worship at BEP Women's Retreat
Well done, friend

November 3

Big Buddies

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

November 2

Left-over Halloween candy......Yum! Yum!

November 1

Happiness is...
finding a big pile of costumes on the floor.
 I know how much my big girl dancer loves coming home to a cute little dancer.
And what's better than helping that cute little dancer play dress up?