Friday, September 30, 2011

September 30

One of my beautiful dancers on her way to the studio for the 5th time this week!
Wonder what's on her mind?

Thursday, September 29, 2011

September 29

Last week Scott was out of town for work. 
Several parts of the house decided to stop functioning properly. 
He's back home and hard at work repairing them.
Ahhh, my hero!

September 28

really getting spoiled with our dance night dates~
finding some beautiful spots around the Park

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

September 27

Spent W-A-Y too much time working after the dismissal bell today....
but it is going to feel SO GOOD to send all these graded papers home tomorrow!!

Monday, September 26, 2011

September 26

Apparently, you CAN stop a TRANE...
It may be Autumn on the calendar, but not so much on the thermometer yet. 
Good to know a repairman will be checking this out tomorrow.

Sunday, September 25, 2011

September 25

Happy, Happy Birthday to my Mom!!
She's pretty much the best one in the whole world!! And she's mine!! Well, okay...I'll share her with my equally fantastic sister....who would agree with me that she's the BEST MOM ever!! And look how incredibly ADORABLE she was on her first birthday!! I wish I could have given her a great, big birthday hug today...hope she enjoys this bouquet of flowers.
I love you loads and loads, Mom!!

September 24

We've all been missing Daddy while he's away for work...
someone was pretty happy to get a quick chat before heading off to bed.

September 23

Thinking of my sweet Grandmother Minnie on her birthday~
This is one of my favorite photos of her!
It was taken my senior year of high school and I love having it hang in our house.
 Grandmother Minnie was so happy to meet her governor and we all loved seeing them together on the front page of our newspaper the next day.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

September 22

Feeling just a tad overwhelmed with my "to-do list" as a long-term substitute~
Look what I found waiting for me this morning!
 Blessed beyond measure by a sweet, sweet first grade teacher!!

September 21

Captain Bubbles
Yes, the students named him.
Yes, I know I already posted a photo of a terrapin, but this is a different one. 
You can tell by the markings on the neck.
Yes, I am obsessed with our new "classmates".

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

September 20

What a welcome treat to discover in the mail!!
After a busy day , I was so thankful for a few minutes of shared joy with my daughters while we watched and relived Bess' amazing Ballet Mag! experience! 

September 19

Meet Super Baby~
He is one of two terrapins who came to live with some very excited first graders!

Sunday, September 18, 2011

September 18

Surprise parties are fun~
Happy, Happy Birthday, Danielle!!!

September 17

SPHS Dance Company Car Wash~
What a great drying team!!

September 16

Happy Friday

September 15

This arrived in the mail today...GULP!!!
I'm sorta in denial that we are going to have a teenage driver in the house soon.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

September 14

Scott and I chose to do some exploring while the girls were in tonight's dance class

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

September 13

So this is slightly "stalkerish" according to my beautiful dancing daughters...
but, I was loving how much fun they were having in Modern!
And I needed a picture of the day....even if it is with the cell phone :)

September 12

Saturday, September 10, 2011

September 9

Rainy Day 5 of the week...
indoor recess (again!)...full class...teacher with a migraine...
Look how hard they are working!
It was a Fun, Fabulous, First Grade Friday!!

September 8

Rainy Day 4 of the week...uh oh....

September 7

Rainy Day 3 of the week

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

September 6

 waiting together for the girls to finish tonight's dance class

September 5

"Rainy days make me feel like dancing"~ Bess

September 4

What's better than fresh-baked chocolate chip cookies?!
Chocolate chip cookies freshly baked by your daughters!!

September 3

Fun Family Day at the Navy season opening day!
This made me smile at the beginning of the third quarter...

September 2

bedtime cleaning ritual

September 1

There is a LOT going on at our kitchen table on a school night....